What Career Advice Would You Give to Your 22-Year-Old Self?

May 26, 2021

I asked my personal and professional network this question yesterday:

What is one lesson you've learned in your career that you wish you could tell your 22-year-old self?

And wow, people had a lot to say! I received close to 50 responses in just 12 hours, and they’re still coming in.

I’ll start sharing many of these ‘notes from the field’ on Instagram, but here are a few that stood out:

On owning your journey:

Live a great story and invest in your relationships with people. All else works itself out.


Your first job won’t be your last job. Focus on your values, what you’re good at, what you want to learn, and who you want your work to benefit in that moment. Don’t think that the first job will in any way make or break your future career. I also love this quote because I spent way too long in work situations that were toxic or unhealthy for me early in my career: “If you don’t like where you are, move. You are not a tree.”


Don’t feel like you have to specialize early. Bring past experience to every new role and be able to explain how this is an asset.


You’ve got this! Believe in yourself and take your time. Everyone’s journey looks different and that’s more than okay. ✨


Pick your battles.There’s no single right answer.


So many opportunities to have a positive impact will present themselves if you show up and put in the work.


Success doesn’t happen overnight so roll up your sleeves, do the work, stay humble and good things will come when they’re meant to.


It’s ok not to have everything all figured out. Focus on the next best step and let life take you where it does. Things you can’t conceive of will impact things, so not stressing the big picture will make it all the easier.

Photo by Danielle MacInnes on Unsplash

On exploring options:

Go live and work overseas.


Try things early in your career. I also want to note that many of us have privileges that others don’t. There’s no one path. There’s no one right way.


Go get a blue collar trade job, you’ll make just as much money in the long run and you won’t lose your soul behind a desk.


You’re never stuck.


Don’t be afraid to quit a job if it’s not the right fit. Instead, follow your gut until you find the right one.


On finances:

Never accept the first salary offered – negotiate since that’s what future raises are based on.


Start saving for retirement EARLY!!


On speaking and listening:

Sometimes it is good to just listen and not be heard. It is not necessary to live out loud all the time. If you approach work in this fashion, look for the passion in your work and the mission that drives you.


Ask others for help and have them share with you their journey of how they got to where they are today. Good people do really want to help.


Talk slower!


You know more than you think you do.

Photo by Amy Hirschi on Unsplash

On mistakes:

Do the work – shortcuts make bad habits that are hard to undo later. Own mistakes and learn from them. Follow through and then follow up.


On risk taking:

Don’t let fear of making mistakes stop you from taking risks. When you make mistakes, own them and learn from them. Also, don’t let the perfect be the enemy of the good


Risk can never be eliminated… It can only be managed well. Perfection is the enemy of creativity and genius.Take care of your people and let your people do their jobs and take care of the work.When people show you who they are, believe them the first time.

Photo by Cristofer Jeschke on Unsplash

On balance:

Have more fun.


No one tells you your 20s can be as tumultuous as adolescence. It took me until 30 to realize we’re all just faking adulthood. I hope the myth that you have to have your life figured out in your 20s has been debunked since I graduated 23 yrs ago. Lots of unnecessary stress.


Make your mental health more important than your bank account. It will lead to a more peaceful and enjoyable existence


What advice would you share? Let me know in the comments!

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